Skred AS samling 2023.
Most of the employees in Skred AS during a meeting in 2023. Ragnhild and Hallvard were not present.

About the company

We are a consulting company located in Norway. We work exclusively with problems related to natural hazards. By focusing on natural hazards as a specialist area, we want to develop the company and our employees to have the best possible knowledge to solve all possible assignments where natural hazards are the focus. To cover the professional breadth of our assignments, our employees have backgrounds as hydrologists, hydraulic engineers, geologists and physicalal geographers. Some have more than 20 years of experience in the industry, while others come directly from school. Common to all is a great commitment to the subjects we work with.

Since the startup in 2015 we have had a robust economy, and have grown from a one person company to 20 employees. The growth has not been a clear goal, but has happened as the number of projects has grown and the complexity of the projects has increased.


We have small, local offices all over the country. This means that we are locally present in large parts of the country, which is an advantage in the type of assignments we have. It also means that we often have a short travel time to the areas we work in. For our employees, this means that they have the opportunity to live mostly where they want. Our office spaces are often co-located with other in larger office communities, to ensure the possibility of having a social network in everyday life. All employees are employed in permanent positions to provide both employees and the company with a safe and predictable framework.

Despite the distance between the offices, we are in close contact with each other in our projects, through modern forms of communication and data sharing. Through visits and joint gatherings, we also maintain good physical contact with each other.

Market areas

Our services are divided into four market areas:

  • Flooding
  • Avalanches, landslides, debris flows, rockfalls (all processes are covered in the Norwegian word “skred”, hence the name of the company)
  • Physical mitigation measures
  • Monitoring and warning

Our services, employees and projects typically cover several of these areas.

In assignments that include subject areas outside of «natural hazards», we work closely with other companies that have the necessary expertise. This is typically in assignments that include the planning and engineering of major mitigation measures, where we work together with, among others, landscape architects, biologists and geotechnical engineers.


Skred AS’ management system for quality and the external environment is certified in accordance with requirements in

  • NS-EN ISO 9001:2015
  • NS-EN ISO 14001:2015
Verify ISO14001/9001